As a dedicated yoga enthusiast, I can’t recommend this free date night at home idea enough.

Yoga’s primary benefit is its ability to reduce cortisol levels, thereby lowering stress. What could be better than a relaxing yoga session with your date after a long day at work?

If your New Year’s resolutions include staying fit, maintaining good mental health, and spending quality time with your partner, this date night idea ticks all the boxes. Plus, it earns you major brownie points!

free date night at home; yoga for couples

Still not convinced?

Research shows that yoga can significantly enhance a couple’s sex life. By mastering the art of de-stressing and relaxation, you can enjoy greater intimacy in the bedroom. According to a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine:

  • For women: Yoga significantly improves all areas of sexual function, including desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and satisfaction.
  • For men: Yoga enhances all aspects of sexual satisfaction, such as intercourse satisfaction, performance, confidence, erection, and orgasm.

Participants in the study took yoga classes for 12 weeks.

set the scene for yoga date night at home

Tips for a Successful Yoga Date Night at Home

  1. Set the Mood: Light some candles or incense, step onto your mats, and enjoy releasing the day’s tension.
  2. Choose the Right Class: Find a yoga class online. YouTube offers thousands of free beginner yoga tutorials. Opt for something gentle and relaxing rather than advanced or energetic. I recommend Yoga with Adriene.
  3. Create a Cosy Space: Ensure your practice area is dimly lit and warm. This will help you both feel more relaxed.
  4. Explore Together: Once you’re comfortable with your yoga poses, you might want to try some new positions in the bedroom. A quick Google search can provide plenty of inspiration—just be careful not to injure yourselves!

What You’ll Need

  • 2 Yoga Mats: If you don’t have mats, use towels or blankets (but do a slip test first!).
  • Candles or Incense
  • TV/Laptop: To watch the yoga class.
  • No Interruptions: Keep phones on silent!

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