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My Solo Holiday highlights in Costa Rica 

Join me on an enchanting journey to one of Earth’s most breathtaking destinations. Just moments ago, I stepped off a boat in the heart of Costa Rica, where the majestic sight of a mother humpback whale and her calf, accompanied by a group of playful dolphins, captivated my heart. Their graceful movements in the wild, unspoiled ocean felt like a glimpse into a world of pure and serene beauty.

Uvita, Costa Rica

Now, I stand barefoot on a beach so picturesque, it seems lifted from a postcard. Fine sand caresses my toes while the hot sun envelopes my skin, and overhead, a symphony of exotic birds weaves through the air. In this moment, my soul soars, overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude and awe.

The experience is made even more significant by the fact that I’m travelling solo. With no distractions and no schedule to follow, time seems to stand still, allowing me to fully immerse myself in this slice of paradise. I’m lost in this moment, completely absorbed by the stunning beauty surrounding me, and it’s a sensation I wish to savour for as long as possible.

A Spiritual Awakening Amidst Nature’s Wonders

Despite not being religious, I feel a connection to something greater on this trip. The series of coincidental moments I’ve experienced are too aligned to be mere chance. Although the sun and sangria might seem to have influenced my thoughts, I embrace this journey with an open heart.

The past six months have been a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges. I found myself spiralling down a path, ignoring the warning signs that ultimately led me to find myself in hospital with burnout. But, in that low point, I found an awakening, a much-needed pause to reevaluate my life’s direction.

Fast forward four weeks, and here I am, rejuvenated and invigorated, basking in the joy of my first international solo holiday. Costa Rica has not only been an idyllic travel destination but a journey in self-discovery. 

natural private waterfall in Uvita, Costa Rica

Here’s the key factors that lead to this incredible feeling of positivity;

  • My first solo group holiday with G Adventures
  • Embracing The Lessons of ‘Manifest’
  • Learning the raw beauty of solo travel
  • Encounters with Kindred Spirits; Healing, Chakras and Spiritual Vortices 

My First Solo Holiday with G Adventures

solo holidays with G Adventures

My first solo holiday with G Adventures has been a remarkable journey. In the stunning landscapes of Costa Rica, I’ve forged lifelong friendships. Each day unfolded with seamless planning, leaving me free from the usual burdens of organising and caregiving. This adventure pushed me beyond my comfort zone, surging adrenaline to new peaks. Surrounded by more natural beauty than I ever dreamed possible, I’ve experienced a world of wonders. Read; A Thrilling Twilight Trek with G Adventures and G Adventures Solo Holidays: A Costa Rican Escapade Unveiled for more!

boat trip on solo group tour with G Adventures

Embracing The Lessons of ‘Manifest’

In “Manifest,” a recommended read for this trip, from my therapist, Roxie writes about the courage to walk away from what no longer serves us and to pursue what truly fulfils our hearts. 

Had you asked me just a few months ago, I would have wanted to manifest my very own Mr Darcy. To fall hopelessly in love, move into a house together in a village with cobbled streets, enjoy ski holidays and snow fights…

This trip has however thrown my priorities and this question now puzzles me. Should I be perhaps manifesting a calmer approach to life first?

For sure, I’ve always dreamt of owning a Porsche – I mean who wouldn’t, but I don’t crave a big luxury house, diamonds or fine dining. This journey has shown me that life’s richest experiences come from exploring and embracing new adventures, even if done solo. 

The Raw Beauty of Solo Travel

After my tour, I extended my stay, unwilling to miss the chance of witnessing more of Costa Rica’s majestic wildlife. The rustic charm of my accommodation in Uvita, complete with its outdoor cold showers and the unavoidable encounters with creepy crawlies was a test of resilience. Yet, the days rewarded me with paradisiacal beaches and waterfalls, hikes through unspoiled nature that have etched everlasting memories. This solo time turned into an unexpected therapy session, a chance to reflect on life’s challenges and consider changes I could make on my return.

Encounters with Kindred Spirits

On my last evening in Uvita, a discussion about manifestation with two fellow travellers turned into a profound conversation about life, burnout, and the pursuit of wellness beyond traditional medicine. 

Both young men, seeking respite from their fast-paced lives, had turned to meditation and alternative healing practices, finding solace and renewal in the serene landscapes of Costa Rica. They discussed the concept of spiritual vortices, places where the earth’s energy is believed to converge, and pondered whether such energies had brought us together to share our stories and learn from each other’s journeys.

Time for Reflection as my Holiday Concludes

My journey concluded at a contemporary youth hostel in San Jose, where mornings began with yoga sessions. The ambiance, enhanced by the scent of burning incense and the presence of a charismatic, tanned Spanish yoga instructor, set a serene tone for the day. His teachings, woven into engaging stories, emphasised the importance of self-care and the need to decelerate in our fast-paced lives. He inspired us to embrace moments of gratitude and tranquillity, a rare find in our usual routines.

This experience was further enriched by an unexpected connection. I befriended a fellow traveller, a therapist by profession, just embarking on her Costa Rican adventure. Over dinner, accompanied by refreshing sangria, we delved into discussions about the urgency to break free from the strains of modern dating. We shared our disdain for intrusive questions about our single status, finding solidarity in our experiences. The evening culminated in a celebratory toast to the local mantra, ‘Pura Vida’, embodying the essence of a good life!

An Invitation to Solo Travellers

Whether you find yourself single, divorced, or separated, I warmly encourage you to set out on a journey that could redefine your sense of empowerment. A year ago, the thought of travelling alone filled me with apprehension, leading to feelings of isolation. As a passionate traveller, my divorce seemed to have grounded my wanderlust. However, a turning point came through therapy, where I was challenged to consider the worst that could happen if I ventured out solo.

I started small – savouring a coffee by myself, enjoying a solo lunch, and then treating myself to my ideal date of dance classes in the city. These steps gradually bolstered my confidence, culminating in the decision to embark on this unforgettable adventure. You can read more about my path through loneliness on my blog.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. What’s holding you back? Embrace the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle and discover the solo holiday that could change your life.

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